



My journey into tech investing began in an unlikely place – studying Russian language and economics with dreams of a career in international affairs. While my classmates were reading market insights, I found myself devouring TechCrunch articles, fascinated by the world of startups and innovation.

My path took me through investment banking and M&A, where I honed my financial skills but felt drawn to the transformative potential of early-stage companies. A pivotal moment came when I worked on Bumble's leveraged buyout – suddenly, I was immersed in the world of tech products and founding stories that had captivated me for years.

I made the leap into venture capital at Initialized, diving headfirst into the startup ecosystem. There, I discovered my passion for working closely with founders, especially those with non-traditional backgrounds who approach problem-solving with fresh perspectives. I'm particularly inspired by entrepreneurs who show true grit and hustle, whether that's doing deep market and customer research to validate a concept, or persevering through countless rejections to secure that critical first round of funding.

My finance background gives me a unique lens through which to evaluate opportunities, but I've learned to balance that rigor with the optimism and vision required in early-stage investing. I'm excited to bring this combination of skills to series A to C investments, where we can dig into real traction while still imagining the enormous potential ahead.

Outside of work, you might find me playing tenor saxophone (a passion since fourth grade), training for my next half marathon, or diving into a classic of Russian literature – Dostoevsky for the thrilling plots, Tolstoy for the beautiful prose.

What should founders know about me?

I'm genuinely fascinated by your stories – how you identified a problem, developed your solution, and are working to bring it to life. I love digging into the details of your business, but I'm equally interested in understanding your personal journey and what drives you. And while I take the work seriously, I believe in finding moments of joy and humor even in the most challenging situations.